Thursday, April 23, 2015

3 Months

My babies are 3 months old... How did that happen already?

As I sit here, tired and beaten down, hoping-no, praying-they fall asleep together just this once I am in awe of how time flies.  It really does seem like just yesterday that Brian and I were sitting in the hospital room, waiting for the doctor to wheel me down to surgery.  Or when we were in the recovery room for what seemed like days, waiting for the privacy we thought we'd get once we had our own room.

And then I remember that first night.  Oh how scared we were.  We didn't have to talk about it.  It was in our eyes.  In our very tired, wide eyes, whenever our babies cried and we couldn't console them.  And then I remember the way it felt that very first time we could, and I feel a little better.  Because every step of this wild, amazing journey has been just like that.  Crazy, I don't know what I'm doing, please make it stop/get better/easier moments that turn into wonderfully triumphant bonding moments with our little family.

And I know that this too, shall pass.  Our babies will learn to fall asleep on their own.  Eventually.  And once they do, I'll feel a sense of accomplishment like never before, because I'll know that I had a hand in helping them find their way to rest, to dreamland...

I'm likely to cry a billion tears during my tenure as their Mama.  If a billion are shed while I'm helping them learn and grow, it'll be worth it.  I just have to remember that while the tears are falling.  Their sweet little faces, even when twisted up in angst, help.

I love you way more than a billion tears my little boys.  Way more...

Middle picture: The day they were born.  Top left, 1 week, moving right along the top, weeks 2-12.  So tiny then, and so big now.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Easter 2015

This weekend we made our way down to Connecticut to visit my family for Easter. We drove down after Brian got out of work on Friday so that we'd miss the rush hour/Easter traffic.  While we did accomplish that, we got there very late, throwing me off of my 9:30/10pm bedtime schedule.  Needless to say, I was very tired on Saturday!

Saturday a few members of my New York family came up to CT to meet our boys for the first time.  While I missed those who couldn't make it (due to rescheduling) I was very happy that my dear Nana was able to come.  She is one of my most favorite people and it meant a lot to me to see her holding my sons.  Especially because my Papa (her husband), whom Jack, our first born is named after, is no longer with us.

Here's a picture of the 5 of us on Saturday:

It was lovely to see everyone.  I missed going to NY this year for Christmas because I was on modified bed rest (really, just had to stay close to home and take it easy), so I haven't seen them in a really long time.  We used to see each other regularly, but life has just gotten in the way of that.

Saturday night my sister Christina (Auntie CC to the boys), niece Mariah and nephew Dominic babysat for Brian and I so we could have our very first date night away from the boys.  It was so nice to get away and reconnect.  While we share a very small space daily, it's become rare when we can actually slow down and have "us" time.  We went to the casino and had dinner, played some slots and had a couple of drinks while listening to live music. 

While we were away, the boys had a fun time.  Here is our sweet nephew Dommy playing with his cousin Bobby:

And our sweet niece Mariah cuddling with Bobby (they played with Jack too, he just fell asleep earlier.)

On Easter Sunday, I woke up with the cold that Brian and the boys had the previous week.  Luckily for me, there were lots of people to help Brian hold, feed and love the boys, so I was able to take a nap.  Before that, we ate lots of good food, played with all the kids and watched a very competitive egg hunt between my niece and my sister Lauren.  (My niece won this year!)

Here are some pictures of the boys all dressed up for Easter.  Sadly these outfits didn't last very long, and I didn't get a great picture of them together.  One of them always seems to be crying during group pictures!  I also have to do better at remembering to get a family time! 

Overall, a very busy and fun weekend with family.  I hope your Easter weekend was just as lovely as ours was!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

March Pictures

Here are some pictures we took last month:

Days Like This

It's days that start out like this that worry me.

It's 8am and so far I've changed and fed the twins and put them back to bed.  While they've been sleeping, I've washed bottles, made coffee (in the coffee press), made (and ate) breakfast (two eggs over easy on buttered white toast), read the news, showered, dressed and put on my makeup and now, I am blogging.  I contemplated going outside to fill the water tanks (to ensure Brian has water for his shower), but heard a baby stirring and thought better of it.

This day is probably going to backfire on me soon.

Though I am a worrier by nature, I am also typically pretty optimistic.  But having twins sort of made me, more than anything, a realist.

Realistically the boys are going to wake up at the same time.  And they'll be extra fussy because they are still congested from the colds they are getting over.  And then one of them (or both of them) won't go back to sleep so he'll have to sleep in the living room with me, and then he'll wake up sooner, therefore wanting to eat sooner and that will throw off the schedule.  And then the boys' feedings will be over an hour apart, making my "break*" time non-existent.

Then again, maybe not...

*By break time, I mean the 15-30 minutes I use in between feedings and naps to wash bottles, make more formula, restock the diaper bin, fold laundry (maybe), wash other dishes, go to the bathroom and/or make and eat lunch.  Sometimes I pay bills.  Once I painted my nails.