This weekend Brian began the tedious (but satisfying) work of cleaning, insulating and building the nursery in the aft cabin. This previously neglected space was essentially used as our attic. We stored anything and everything in here, including, at one point, our refrigerator. It also doubled as our closet/dresser, as we kept all of our clothing (in plastic bins) in this space. We plan on continuing to store our clothes in this manner, behind a false wall that Brian is building.
Here are a few before and "during" pictures:
The empty storage area, all cleaned up and ready for insulation. |
Ta daaa! Fully insulated storage space to help retain the heat in the winter and to keep it out in the summer. There will be a wall up here to hide the storage bins. |
Testing out the wood in the space soon to be a custom crib for two. You can just see the storage area from the picture above on the right hand side of this picture, behind the wood panel. |
Brian building the framing for the wall. |
Framing for the "crib". |
A little more insulation (replaced the mirrored door with insulation (pink), a mock up of the shelf and the custom cut crib platform. There will eventually be three walls around this, and a gate in the front when they are older. |
It's sturdy! |
There's plenty more to do! Brian will be working hard over the next couple of weeks to get everything ready for the boys' anticipated arrival. We'll post more pictures as we progress.
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