Saturday, October 17, 2015

Babies on a Plane

Last week Brian and I met my whole family in Orlando for a week-long, fun-in-the-sun vacation.  The babies did great.  They have once again proved to be laid back, go with the flow kind of kids, and for that, I am so grateful.  It's always a little nerve wracking taking twin infants anywhere new.  It takes a lot of planning and sometimes research to ensure that everything we need will be available to us.  And if not, it takes a little creativity to figure out how we'll manage. 

We've been traveling with the boys since they were a month old, so we know they are resilient.  But our travel has always been by car.  I've heard horror stories about flying with babies and the trouble they have with their little ears, sitting still or staying quiet, and rude, mean strangers on the flight treating parents badly because of a crying baby.  Multiply that by two, and I was kind of freaking out internally.  I read stories and know of some that made little gift bags, if you will, for fellow passengers, thanking them for their patience and debated making them for us.  But then I came to my senses.  These are 9 month old babies, who don't know any better.  They are, for the most part, very easy going, smiley babies who aren't any trouble.  If, for some reason, they were going to act up, I wasn't going to bribe our neighbors to be nice to us.  No, I was going to demand respect and kindness, should we have any trouble.  I had a few comebacks in my pocket, ready for anyone who was stupid enough to make comments about our crew.  Luckily, I never once had to even consider going to battle with our fellow travelers.

Because Jack and Bobby fly like seasoned veterans. 

They didn't even bat an eyelash during take off or landing.  If the change in cabin pressure hurt their ears, we didn't know it because they were either sleeping or laughing or flirting with people next to us.  It was amazing, and I'm so proud of them.  Even after being on the road (and in the air) for a very long stretch, they were gems.  It. Was. Amazing.

As for our neighbors, they were also amazing.  I boarded all planes (4 total) carrying both boys myself, as Brian was carrying our bags.  As I walked down the aisle, most people smiled and waved, said things like, "God bless you", or "You've got your hands full!".  And when I sat down with both boys, all but one person offered to hold one for me.  On this trip only, I threw away my "no stranger" rule and happily handed over a baby.  It was great!  That said, it was also very tiring.  We opted to bring our car seats and our stroller with us, because we had two layovers that were several hours long.  At every boarding, we had to pack them up in their covers and walk them down the ramp.  While also toting two babies and two pieces of carry on bags.  One passenger offered to help, but otherwise we were on our own.  (Which is why I carried the boys-Brian carried all 5 bags himself!)  It was a bit of a cluster you know what and we got a lot of attention and admiring stares.

Oh, and while holding a 9 month old baby on your lap during a flight, you cannot participate in the in-flight beverage distribution.  Nope.  It doesn't work!  On the way home we bought our own bottles of water and shared them.  It worked so much better.

Here are a few observations about vacationing with twin infants:

1. Pay extra for the airport parking that is right there.  Do not try to save $100 by parking in the economy parking.  It adds an extra step to an already tiring process.  And also, you will almost miss your flight.

2.  Airport security with two babies is a nightmare.  Thankfully we were able to get into a faster line with less people each way, but we still managed to almost miss our first flight, and we lost a blanket.  We also got stared at.  A lot.

3. No matter how many people you are vacationing with, it will still not be relaxing.  Perhaps when they are teenagers?

4. Babies move.  Put your alcohol in sippy cups, or else they'll drop them.

5.  People on vacation don't care if you have a baby in a stroller.  They're still rude when they "have" to get to an attraction. 

6.  Having to wait in line for an attraction with a sleeping baby in 90 degree weather is pretty much like being in hell.  I never realized how not baby friendly Disney was until I went last week.

7.  Even though they might be too little to remember the vacation, it's still worth going.  We have the pictures and the memories.  And seeing their little faces examine new things was so cool.

The boys most enjoyed:

Playing in the pool (a complete surprise-he usually isn't thrilled!)
Eating french toast with syrup for breakfast every day
Playing with cousin Jameson
It's a Small World
Seeing the Penguins at Sea World

Overall, a great trip!

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