Monday, August 31, 2015

Splish Splash

Last week we went to the beach again.  This time I was a little more prepared.  I had better toys.  I brought more blankets to help with feeding.  And I had my big beach umbrella.  And it really made the day much nicer than the first time we were there.

When we first arrived, they boys played with their toys on the blanket.  They are just on the verge of crawling, so I can still sit on the side and sort of watch them play without worrying they'll skitter away from me.  Actually, this might have been our last time at the beach alone...

After playing on the blanket for a bit, I brought them into the water.  Of course we were the talk of the beach.  People watched my every move and every time I looked up, someone was staring.  But you know what?  I don't care anymore.  What they could see was that my boys were have a ball.  An absolute ball.  Jack like sitting in his chair more than sitting in the water.  He loves kicking his little feet around and leaning over to scoop up the soft sand.  I had to stay on top of that because he also really love eating!  Bobby on the other hand love sitting between my legs with his little butt in the water.  He smacked his little hands on the water repeatedly and squealed with delight when the water would land on his face.

Afterward, we went back to the blanket and had some lunch.  I still can't get them to nap there, though, so we packed up and trudged home.  And I mean trudged.  Pushing a double stroller on the sand is HARD WORK!

While this last beach day was more of a success than the first day, it was really tiring.  It seems that the more fun my boys have during the day, the more tired I am at night!  Needless to say, our days at the beach might be over for the year...But just because my fun at the beach is over, it doesn't mean that I can't try to recreate the fun for the boys.

Enter the plastic storage bin.  Monday is typically a bath day, and I bathe them individually in a collapsible baby tub.  There's no play time.  It's just wash, wash, wash and dry, dry, dry, repeat.  But today was different.  About 30 minutes before bath time, I filled the bin up with water from the hose so that it would have time to warm up.  (Turns out it was already warm from the sun...but anyway.)  Then I plopped the boys into the warm water with a few toys and sat back (not really) and watched them play.  It was, to say the least, comical.  They had a blast!  For the most part they can sit up on their own (Bobby has a little trouble, but the close quarters and his big brother helped!) so they just sat in the water and splashed.

...until I surprised them with soap and started washing their hair.  But they didn't mind much because they still got to play.  They didn't even mind when I poured a whole mug full of water over their heads.  They just let it roll off their faces and kept on playing!

I'm pretty sure this is how we'll do bath time from now on.  At least until it starts getting cold.  Then maybe we'll recreate this fun inside, on our bathroom floor.  (We don't have a bathtub on the boat.)

Splish splash!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Beach

Dear Babies,

Today you went to the beach for the very first time.  It was the first time your little feet touched the sand, the first time you splashed in fresh water and the first time you sat basking in the sun.

There's a lot that I could tell you about today.  But instead, I'll just say this-it was magical for me to watch your little faces change from confusion to excitement.  I loved seeing you dip your chubby little hands into the water again and again.  I loved seeing your adorable little feet kicking and splashing and I super loved hearing your squeals of delight when you realized that splashing is fun, and not scary.

You are my little troopers.  Always up for an adventure, always willing to try something new.  Always with smiles and laughter.

I hope you grow to love the beach as much as I do. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Hard Days and Home

Sometimes, this all feels too hard, this lifestyle we've chosen. When we're all too tired but have to go out, and we run out of water or the diaper bag is deep inside the cabin, behind the laundry pile and a bin. Or when it's 95 degrees outside and it's low tide, and I have to walk 1/4 mile just to get to the car.

But then I remember what it was like when we lived in our huge 2 story apartment. And we had just as many frustrating days when we were both too tired but had to go out, and we had no hot water, or we couldn't get out of the apartment because of the snow. And there's always a laundry pile with all the things buried underneath it, let's be honest.

Frustrating, hard days happen.  No matter where you live.  And when you have 6 1/2 month old twins, everything is harder.  Everything.

Sometimes it feels like too many people are in the wings, just waiting for us to fail. Waiting to tell us, "I knew it wouldn't work" or "We knew you couldn't do it with the babies". And that sucks. And that makes the hard days even harder, because I know I can't tell anyone how frustrated I am at that moment. Because I told you so. Because you can't do this with babies. Because, because, because...

And it feels like we can't fail now because if we do, people will make us feel like failures. But the truth is, I think we would have been failures if we didn't even try.

Yesterday was a hard day.  It was raining and high tide wasn't until the late evening, so we stayed inside all day.  It was hard to remember those warm, salty days when it was just Brian, me and the wind.  It was hard to remember the sunsets and fireworks at anchor, and hard to imagine our boys scampering along the harbor islands, tan and sure of themselves on the water.  It was hard to imagine teaching them to appreciate the silence, the solitude.  The peace.

But today?  Today is glorious. 

Today is the kind of day that I thank God we live where we do.  And I know how lucky we are to live here, right in downtown Boston, literally right in the harbor.  As I type this post, our boat is gently rocking, the boys are napping and I remember why I love it here.  I remember that this is home.

Our "back yard" today.  Top picture: Sailboat races and the Coast Guard.  Bottom pictures: Our fair city.  Sadly the collage cropped out my favorite view of the skyline, the Zakim Bridge, which is to the far right on the bottom right picture.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


There is no way I could possibly begin to recap the crazy wonderfulness that has been happening over the last two months.

The boys were christened.  They rolled over, smiled, laughed, and begin interacting with each other.  They babble all of the time.  THEY SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT.  Their little feet were dipped in the fountains downtown.  They went to the Boston Aquarium.  They swam in a pool for the first time.  We went on our first family camping trip.  They can almost sit up on their own.

They love: bouncing in their new jump-a-roos, fart noises (makes 'em laugh every time!), hearing mama sing, hearing and watching dada play the guitar, cuddling, television, being tickled, Green Eggs and Ham and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, playing with their crinkle stars, walking in the slings, hanging out in the cockpit, and eating books.

They hate: tummy time (when we put them on their bellies, not when they roll over on their own), peas (Jack), being put in the slings (the process), hand dryers in public bathrooms, the vacuum (Bobby) and sitting still.

People often comment that our boys are so good-natured.  It's rare they fuss or cry and when they do, it's because they are hungry or tired (or scared-see hand dryers and vacuums, above).  They usually don't even cry when they have a dirty diaper.  We know it's early, and there are many phases coming which will probably change this (hello teething!), but for now, we'll take it.  We feel very, very lucky to have such happy babies.

Not a day goes by without us looking at our boys with wonder.  They fill us with such joy, such in its purest form.  We made them.  They are ours and we are theirs.  It's only been 6 months, and yet, it's been forever.

Peas and Oats and Pears, Oh My!

Pears, Peas & Squash
Maybe it's because I couldn't breast feed my boys. Or maybe it's because I want to keep their little bodies as clean and pure as I can for as long as I can. Or it could be about the money. It could be all of those reasons, and on some level, it is all of them. But mostly, it's about me loving to cook for the people I love. And feeding them. Man do I love to feed people. So it was pretty much a no-brainer that I was going to make all of our baby food when the boys reached that point.

As we rounded the corner on their 6 month birthday, my excitement started to grow. I can't explain it, really, why I was freakishly excited to steam fruits and vegetables. I mean, it's steaming. Not roasting or braising or searing. Not very sophisticated or even fun. And let's not even talk about the fact that it's unseasoned. But still, I was giddy with excitement. I went shopping for a new steaming basket, extra big ice cube trays and containers. I pulled out my handy dandy Cuisinart boat motor and lined all of the tools up in a row, making sure they were ready for the big day. And I researched which fruits and vegetables had the most calories vs. vitamins vs. fiber vs...everything.   And I waited.

And waited.  And waited...because everything I've been given says wait until they are 6 months old.

But really, what's a couple of weeks going to do?  Right?  So I stopped waiting.  And I fed my babies solid food.

And for the most part, they loved it!  Their first solid food was peas.  Bobby was a pea freak.  He loved them.  He demanded I keep feeding him and when I stopped to feed his brother, he protested by pounding his little hand on his tray.  Jack, on the other hand, would have happily let me feed his brother all of his peas.  While he didn't hate them, he certainly didn't love them like Bobby did.  But he tolerated them, and that was OK with me.

Bobby says, "Mama!  Stop taking our picture and FEED ME!"  Jack says, "I'll happily give you 1000 smiles if you just forget about those peas."

Over the past few weeks the boys have tried peas, squash, pears, green beans, bananas, sweet potatoes and apples.  They are about to try chicken, peaches and Brussels sprouts.  I really hope they like the sprouts.  We eat those a lot in this house.

They've done really well with all of the food so far.  Bobby had a small rash after eating the apples, but both the pediatrician and me think it was a heat rash and not an allergic reaction.  We're really hoping that neither boy is allergic to anything, especially because Bobby already has one allergy we have to worry about (milk).  I think Bobby's favorite food so far is actually the peas, and Jack's is apples.  They both love the banana and like the rest just fine.  Neither are psyched about the baby oatmeal I give them sometimes, but if I swirl in the fruit of the day, they gobble it up.

Making the food is ridiculously easy.  It takes less than an hour for me to make 3 trays of food, which right now lasts a little over a week.  And knowing that what I'm giving them is clean, preservative free, natural food makes it even easier for me to justify the effort.  And truthfully, making the food is actually cheaper than buying the small containers of store bought baby food.  Even when compared to buying organic.  (I think the exception to this is going to be the chicken.  That was really expensive today when I bought it, but I don't think I could feed the boys jarred chicken anyway, just because of my own ick meter.) 

Home made baby food for the win!